The Face of America is Emma Gonzáles

Inspired by her quote 'Now is the time to get on the right side of this', I decided to create this poster, showing two sides. However, I wanted to portray how there shouldn't be another side because maintaining the safety in our schools must be the only side, that is why Emma's face is on both sides of the poster.

For Project 1324

Amplifier Challenge: Amplify for Life

Take It. It's Free.

This project I made inspired on Banksy's artwork. I find his street art to create quite an impact and that is what I wanted to achieve with this kindness piece of art. This image reflects more than anything "kindness to your community". In our daily lives, we are too absorbed in our own world and we forget to be kind to each other. I wanted to make the flowers pop out in this image because flowers are a symbolism of kindness and happiness. This project is a reminder to ourselves to give a little to our community, a little act of kindness, even if it is just a smile.

For Project 1324 

Born This Way Foundation Challenge: Design Kindness

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